We would like to apologize in advance for the flurry of blog posts about to take place. Even though we are a historical institution focusing on the past, we still have our eye on the future. As such, we are consistently working to implement new ideas to enhance visitor experience without taking away from our charming 19th c. aesthetic.
Our latest foray into 21st c. technology involves the use of QR codes to disseminate information. By employing the use of these codes, we will be able to provide additional information about various topics to visitors without the use of large, distracting signs on site. Instead, participants will be able to scan the codes with a reader-enabled smartphone or other device and have the information right at his/her fingertips.
So how does this relate to the flurry of blog posts? QR codes need a "place" to be directed to. Each blog post will serve as that "place." When a visitor on-site scans the QR code on our signs, they will be directed to one of these blog posts on their mobile device. As a reader at home, you will receive these via e-mail or RSS feed.
This first series was researched and put together by one of our talented TCC volunteers, Miles Martin. He put this information together to tie in with Saturday's upcoming event, "Jeepers Reapers!" Thanks for your hard work, Miles!
Now that explanations are out of the way...ENJOY!
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