Log Cabin Village is a living history museum in Fort Worth, TX, devoted to the preservation of Texas heritage. Each of the 1800s structures, furnished with authentic artifacts, provides a vivid look at life in the nineteenth century frontier. The exhibits include a water-powered gristmill, a one-room schoolhouse, a blacksmith shop, an herb garden, and several log home settings. Historical interpreters depict the lifestyle of Texans in the mid to late 1800s.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
Fort Worth ISD needs your help!
From a FWISD e-mail...
Parent Survey: We want to hear from you!
Can you invest a few minutes in your child's future?
The Fort Worth ISD is reaching out to all parents of FWISD students and asking them to take a quick survey about their perceptions of their child's academic progress in the last year. This information could provide critical knowledge as we move forward. The collected data will also be used in the District's strategic planning and scorecard. The scorecard is a tool for the public and the Board of Education to hold the District accountable for progress and results.
All responses will be kept anonymous. However, participants may choose to add a name or e-mail address to their response. The survey is available in English or Spanish, and may be found by going to http://www.fwisd.org/Pages/AbridgedParentSurvey.aspx.
The survey should take less than five minutes to complete. You'll be asked to agree or disagree with statements about the Fort Worth ISD and asked for some demographic data. If you wish to share additional thoughts, you may also answer some open-ended questions about areas where we can improve. However, this part of the survey is optional.
We're asking parents to:
1. Take the survey.
2. Forward the survey link to other Fort Worth ISD parents.
3. And ask them to forward the link to even more parents.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Woodn't you know it...
This week's campers had a challenge of their own: build a tool box using 19th century tools. And do it in 100-degree heat.
Again our campers rose to the challenge. And again the end product was OUTSTANDING. But don't take OUR word for it...take a look for yourself!
Timber Tales Storytime...
Connecting the past to the present...
Last Friday, we were treated to a visit from Joe Bentley, a Howard descendent living here in the area. It was truly amazing to see his eyes light up when he saw the home of his ancestors, a cabin he had played in as a child, beautifully brought back to life. We're so glad he was able to come by and see it!
Mr. Bentley has another connection to the past, however. In his "spare" time, he plays the role of "Tex" Dugan, a historical "character" from the cattle drive era.
As a token of appreciation to the Village, "Tex" will be here on Friday, June 26th, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. hosting a Texas Trail Driver's camp. You don't want to miss this!
Here are photos from Mr. Bentley's visit to see the restored Howard cabin:
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Cleaning up our act...

And this.
And even this!
Yesterday Log Cabin Village was very fortunate to have forty extra hands to help make our site even more beautiful than it already is.
Volunteers from Chesapeake Energy Corporation worked tirelessly despite 100-degree heat, dragging and stacking downed limbs and logs
gathering trash from the lane, and moving piles of old cemented rocks to a place more accessible for pickup by our intrepid parks crews.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
It's All Fun and Games!
Check out the great photos of our "gamers"... As always, please click on any photo in the slideshow to control the size and speed.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Handbook of Texas Online - JUNETEENTH
For more information about Juneteenth, please see the link below. Also, as a reminder, we have a special event tomorrow from 1-4 p.m.!
Handbook of Texas Online - JUNETEENTH
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Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Time to come play games on Saturday!!!
1:00—4:00 p.m.
Come and play games the way Texans did in the 1800s. We'll have rolling hoops, Jacob’s Ladders, buzz saws, graces, mancala, jacks, and more! You can even make your own stick and ring toy to take home. No reservations required. Cost is regular Village admission plus a $2 craft fee.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Chore time at the Village!
Through our "Wagons West" program, kiddos get the opportunity to learn about our structures, life in the 19th century, and what a typical day might be like for a frontier Texas child. They weave, card wool, wash clothes, go to school, grind corn, and even beat rugs! Many parents comment that they are shocked to discover their children actually ENJOY doing laundry...if it's done on a washboard using lye soap.
The photos tell the story, so here are our kiddos hard at work! Please click on any photo in the slideshow to make it larger and to control the speed.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Iron Chef Pioneers...
Instead we had five fabulous fourth grade girls and two super sixth grade boys! Today was our "Whatcha Got Cookin'?" daycamp...and our intrepid Iron Chef pioneers made an entire meal from scratch using a fire pit and a box wood stove. And they did it in under three hours!
The menu: roast chicken, fried potatoes, corn bread, pinto beans, and apple pie
The process: The chefs chopped vegetables, gathered herbs, stirred pots, stuffed chickens, and rolled out pie dough.
The supreme Iron Chef pioneer challenges: storms (which required covering the fire pit with a canopy so the bird could continue roasting, rain, a power outage (no light in the cabin), no modern cooking appliances, and extreme hunger.
These chefs were gamers, however. They didn't let a little thunder steal THEIR thunder. They even shared stories...including one so scary that the screams made the staff in the main cabin come running down to make sure we were alright! :)
A wonderful time was had by all...and this meal will not soon be forgotten.
Special thanks go out to our "Village People," who helped the camp run seamlessly despite seemingly insurmountable obstacles. VERY special thanks to Village interpreter Fred Gersch for designing and teaching the camp.
Enjoy the photos and the guidebook in this blog entry! Reminder: you can click on any of the photos in the slideshow to make them larger or to control the speed.
Cooking Guidebook
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Our furry four-legged guests...
The other day while Mama was out and about (or under the cabin napping), the little ones couldn't resist poking their heads out and saying hello. You could tell that they desperately wanted to be "kids" and run around and play, but we humans were inhibiting their progress.
Like the fox families before them, we know they will soon move on to greener pastures. But we are enjoying them while they're here!
Here are several photos taken by Village historical interpreter Linda Sanders. Caution: extreme cuteness ahead.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Eaves Dropping...

I can tell you which cabin I'D rather stand next to. :o)