You know...most people can't help but smile when they see certain things...those silly e-mail forwards with photos of cats perched in precarious positions, babies giggling, and kids being--well--kids.
Working at Log Cabin Village, we are surrounded with sights that make your heart smile on a regular basis. Today we had Timber Tales preschool storytime, and seeing 30 or so 3-5 year olds in vests, bonnets, and aprons is a priceless thing indeed...especially when they are frantically performing "Heads, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes" with me. I love the little ones...and I love how much they enjoy being out here at the Village and hearing the stories.
Here are some Village sights that will make your heart smile also:
Bugles the cat, hard at work in the wagon...
An intrepid homeschool group (today's storytime participants) experiencing the blacksmith shop
Two former Village volunteers, Khanay and Reagann
A helping hand...

Sweet Iris...enough said.

Taffy the cat in a teeny tiny basket

Checking out the smokehouse...

Fred being a kid again playing with the buzzsaw...
Washing clothes during "Wagons West..."
Are you smiling yet?
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