Do you secretly wish that you could wear braids like Laura? Did you cry when Jack died? Do you have dreams that involve Pa, a fiddle, and Ma making johnnycakes on the stove? Then THIS contest, sponsored by the cooperative marketing partnership between the City of Fort Worth's Log Cabin Village and Performing Arts Fort Worth, Inc. (at Bass Hall) is for YOU!
Grab your bonnets, aprons, knitting, and needlework! We want to see your "Little House" side: frontier spirit, Ma's home cookin', and hands that are never idle.
To enter, please send us your photo or video of you showing us your pioneer spirit just the way Laura and the rest of the Ingalls family did. You can
e-mail us, share it on our
Facebook page, or
tweet it to us.
Contest starts NOW and runs through June 2nd. A winner will be chosen at random and notified on June 3. Entrants must be 18 or older (although gratuitous use of adorable minor family members in your entry is encouraged). Log Cabin Village and Bass Hall staff and volunteers and their families may not enter the contest. Other restrictions may apply. All submissions will be posted on our social media sites. This contest is made possible by the cooperative marketing partnership between the City of Fort Worth's Log Cabin Village and Performing Arts Fort Worth, Inc. (at Bass Hall).