Gather round, Village people, and listen to a story from the winter closure of 2010. It's a story of love, strength, admiration, and finding a firm foundation. It's an allegory for life's turmoil, and the exhiliration found when cries for help can finally be answered.
It's a story about a cabin...the cabin called "
the Parker."

Now folks around these parts had been noticing for quite some time that something just didn't seem right about the Parker. She looked a little "low" on some days. Sad, you could say--down in the corners. She didn't have friends to prop her up and give her the firm foundation that would make things square for her again. Oh she was stable enough, all right.

But as much as she tried to hide her dismay, the poor little Parker cabin was coming apart at the seams. She was afraid that people would see right through the cracks in her facade. And more than anything, she just wanted a little support.

One bright sunny day, this little dogtrot cabin's dreams came true.
Some fine friends from the City of Fort Worth's
Transportation and Public Works Department heard her cries. They lovingly lifted her from the depths of despair (and dirt) and placed a firm foundation beneath her.

The Parker cabin was able to "pull it together" at last!

She felt solid as a rock! People weren't looking right through her anymore!

And her new friends Ron and Louis sealed the friendship with some chinking.
Now this story is about rectifying outward appearances. But we can all agree, that it is what's inside that ultimately counts.
And the Parker cabin decided to make some changes there as well.
Nothing was wrong with her insides, mind you. But sometimes it's a good idea to make some changes to keep oneself from getting "stale."
And there you have it, folks: the story of a cabin looking for a little "pick-me-up," and the gallant gentlemen who rushed to her aid. We hope you'll come visit the Parker cabin and see the changes for yourself!
Coming soon: the little tool shed who had no backbone...